How to Join PhotoZone


PhotoZone Gallery is a juried collective. We are a group interested in fine art photography and fine art printing. Note: We are a print based group. We seldom look at projected work. We jury our applicants from prints only. In recent years, we’ve had occasional photo outings. Sometimes we project photos taken by attendees.

At the time of our origin, we had our own gallery and needed people who had work ready to show. We started jurying potential members at that time and still do. We are interested in people who are serious about their photography and enjoy sharing their work. We encourage members and visitors to share work at our monthly meetings and discuss their vision while looking for input from the membership.

We recommend that prospective members attend a meeting or two to get the feel of our organization before making a formal presentation. We meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month. If then you wish to be added to our mailing list, you will receive emails regarding meeting times and locations along with other information relating to photo shows and events in the area.

If you decide to apply for membership, contact us to start the process. Our new member coordinator will get back with instructions and schedule your application for one of our regular meetings.