Over the years, our group has met monthly at different locations. Currently we meet at The Emerald Art Center in Springfield, Oregon where business is conducted and members share work, ideas and techniques. PhotoZone is a juried group but visitors are always welcome and may share work. We currently meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 1:00 pm. The location is The Emerald Art Center, 500 Main Street in Springfield. Enter by the side entrance. Contact us to be sure the meeting is on schedule. If a visitor then wishes to apply for membership, a formal review process is scheduled at a regular meeting, by phone or email.
PhotoZone is interested in prints.
We have a print review at each of our meetings. We share our work primarily as prints, however we are in a trial to include digital sharing. Video projection is used mostly for instructional purposes. Members and visitors may bring up to 3 prints for review. It can either be a show-and-tell or a critique depending on the presenter’s preference. Prints are viewed on an easel and must be able to stand on their own. A simple mat is the best way to prevent damage.
Our long time member Gary Tepfer talked about his work at a recent meeting.
The meeting in January of 2020
Mitch Schwartz commenting on Michael Strain’s image - photo by Sandi T. O’Brien
A recent meeting at The Emerald Art Center - 09/15/19
Andy Nowlen shows recent work from China
Harry B. Houchins showing recent infrared work
August 2019
Ron Shufflebarger shares recent work. Meeting on August 18, 2019
Members take a close look
Even Closer!!
Charles Draper demonstrated a new mounting method.
Dennis Galloway shows a few panoramas.
We frequently have social events.
Social potluck at Doris Potters.
We met for several years at Jon Meyers Studio.
At Jon Meyers’ Studio
Steve Anchell shows work at Jusin Williams’ home.
Chuck Draper has hosted several meetings at his home in Florence
Meeting at Chuck Draper’s in Florence.
Gene Tonry and friend
Over the years we had several retreats to the Oregon Coast.
This was at Bob Sanov’s home in Florence.
Meeting at Bob Sanov’s home on the coast
Jerry soaking up rays.
Sandi and Walt O’Brien
At Nanna’s Irish Pub in Newport.
Dining at Seal Rock.
At Ona in Yachats
At Bob Sanov’s (left) with Ron Dobrowski and Jerry Jump
At Bob’s with Chuck Draper (left) with Charles Search