Member Shows

PhotoZone Member Sarah Grew at Maude Kerns

Beyond the Print, featuring the work of Mika Aono, Tallmadge Doyle, Sarah Grew, Julia Oldham, and Libby Wadsworth, opens with a public reception on Friday, April 4 5-7pm, and is on view through May 2. The five local artists in “Beyond the Print” each have their unique approach to printmaking, using innovative materials and techniques. They share a common concern for and engagement with a landscape facing ecological collapse because of climate change.

There will also be an Artist Talk Saturday, April 19, 2-3pm with the featured artists who will discuss their work and answer audience questions about these artists' approach to printmaking.

Pictured: Announcement card for “Beyond the Print” featuring Tallmadge Doyle, Sarah Grew, Julia Oldham and Libby Wadsworth.

PhotoZone member Linda Devenow

In two Local Shows at the same time

Check out the images on the OBrien Gallery Site.

To see them without reflections attend in person. 2833 Willamette, Ste. B

Open weekdays 1-5

The Red Show by Don Myers

Don will also be showing at Emerald Art Center during the same period.

PhotoZone Members are participating in a unique show of Platinum/Palladium Prints. 18 students from Walt O’Brien’s class are participating. PhotoZone members Gene Tonry, Don Myers, Sandy Brown Jensen, Walt O’Brien, Sandi T. O’Brien, Guy Weese, Susie Morrill, Deric Olshner and Ron Dobrowski have work in the show.

Click to view the wall photo.

PhotoZone Members Herman Krieger, Sandy and Walt O’Brien have photos at The Giustina Gallery at The Lasells Stewart Center in Corvallis.

Call ahead!! Closed for Spring Break.

For its 13th biennial exhibit at the LaSells Stewart Center, members of the PhotoArts Guild were asked to respond to the theme, “InSight,” suggesting not only what is in a photographer's field of vision, but also what lies more deeply behind the scenes. The result is a wide-ranging display of more than 60 color and black-and-white prints by 27 local photographers on all manner of subjects, from landscapes and portraits to abstracts.

This year's show is dedicated to the memory of Lorraine Richey, a long-time guild member who lost a long battle with cancer last fall. A graduate of Oregon State University and a resident of Portland, Richey was an inspirational photographer who moved fluidly among genres during her 40-year photographic career. She is best known for her multi-layered abstractions created with her I-phone, several examples of which are in this exhibit.

The PhotoArts Guild was formed 40 years ago to promote and support fine art photography in the mid-valley and has been an affiliated guild of the Corvallis Art Center since 1988. The group has evolved over the decades from one focused primarily on large-format film photography to one populated mostly by digital camera artists pursuing non-commercial forms of the medium--landscape, wildlife, portrait, fine art, nature and more.

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